
Inclusive engagement and participation, encouraging unique collaborations in the digital space.

We are a disabled-led arts organisation committed to inclusive practice.

Positioning ourselves at the intersection of art, accessibility and digital culture, we bridge the gaps between digital practice and art, people and artists, the disabled and the non-disabled.

We are passionate about showcasing artists and supporting and collaborating with arts organisations. By encouraging participation we create lasting social change through artistic excellence that is accessible to all.

We believe in great art WITH everyone, we encourage inclusive participation to give people the capacity, inspiration and tools to be part of the cultural conversation and achieve excellence in the arts.

Full Circle Arts: Charity registration number-700918. Company registration number-2312426

Our Funders:

Supported using public funding by Arts Council England Manchester City CouncilAGMA: Association of Greater Manchester Authorities


‘Full Circle Arts would like to thank Robert Stoker for his legal guidance provided through the Quick Fix programme run by Business in the Arts:North West.’

Renaissance in the Arts

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