Coliseum Theatre Oldham

Oldham Coliseum is a building-based producing theatre. It has a capacity in its main auditorium of 585 seats; in addition the theatre has a studio with a capacity of 50 seats. The company produces 8 shows a year on its main stage, offering a balanced programme of drama, comedy, musical, new writing and the annual pantomime. In addition to in-house produced work on the main stage the theatre also takes in 4 weeks of touring theatre as well as around 15 non-theatre performances including music dance and stand up. Coliseum@ an offshoot to the theatre’s building based productions promotes a programme of theatre at three community venues.

Theatre with two seasons of pantomime, musicals, comedy and drama produced in-house with a resident company.


Wheelchair spaces:
Main auditorium: There are up to eight wheelchair spaces
Studio Theatre: There is one wheelchair space
Customers are entitled to a free companion ticket if required.
There is an accessible shop, bar and adapted lavatories.
Please state that a wheelchair space is needed when booking your ticket.

British Sign Language Interpreted and Audio Described Performance
Most Coliseum productions have one BSL interpreted performance and one Audio Described performace. Touch tours are available before most Audio Described performances. There are facilities for hearing impaired patrons.

The Coliseum also welcomes Guide and Hearing dogs.

The season brochure is available in large print, voice recorded and via email.

Please let the Box Office team have your requirements when booking.

British Sign Language performances

The Picture of Doreen Gray: Saturday 25 October, 2.30pm
Aladdin: Tuesday 30 December, 7.30pm
The Mist in the Mirror: Friday 20 February, 7.30pm

Audio Described performances

The Picture of Doreen Gray: Wednesday 22 October, 7.30pm
The Mist in the Mirror: Wednesday 11 February, 7.30pm
Aladdin: Monday 24 November, 2.15pm

There are a limited number of parking spaces on Fairbottom Street for exclusive use of Blue Badge holders. The main car park in Bradshaw Street is just 100 yards away and from 6.00pm costs just £1.50. Season Ticket holders can park free from 6.00pm. Oldham Council car parking rules apply at all times.